iCoinic Quiz App for Multiple Choice Quiz Challenge

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Jan 8, 2023

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iCoinic Quiz App

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The iCoinic Quiz App is a powerful and engaging multiple-choice quiz application designed to provide both entertainment and education. With its integration of The Trivia API, this app offers a wide range of multiple-choice questions to challenge and entertain users. Built entirely with SwiftUI using Xcode from Apple, the iCoinic Quiz App is optimized for smart phone devices running iOS 16 and above.

The iCoinic Quiz App follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, ensuring a clean and organized codebase. It leverages the Apple Combine framework and async-await for structured concurrency, resulting in a smooth and responsive user experience. The app also utilizes modular programming, allowing for easy integration of new features and updates.

One of the key features of the iCoinic Quiz App is its ability to fetch multiple-choice questions from an external API provider. Users can customize the parameters of the quiz, such as the category or difficulty level, to create a personalized and challenging quiz experience. The app's architecture is designed to easily accommodate changes in the API service provider, ensuring seamless integration and minimal impact on the overall app functionality.


  • Built entirely with SwiftUI: The iCoinic Quiz App takes advantage of the latest advancements in Apple's SwiftUI framework, resulting in a modern and visually appealing user interface.

  • Supports iOS 16 and above: The app is optimized for smart phone devices running iOS 16 and above, ensuring compatibility with the latest Apple devices.

  • MVVM Architecture: The app follows the MVVM architecture, separating the data, presentation, and business logic for a clean and maintainable codebase.

  • Combine Framework: Leveraging the power of Apple's Combine framework, the iCoinic Quiz App provides seamless data binding and reactive programming capabilities.

  • Async-await for structured concurrency: With async-await, the app can handle asynchronous operations in a structured and organized manner, resulting in a smooth and responsive user experience.

  • Custom UI Components: The iCoinic Quiz App includes a variety of custom UI components, enhancing the overall visual appeal and user experience.

  • Generic/ Reusable Components: The app utilizes generic and reusable components, making it easy to add new features and adapt to future changes.

  • User defaults capability: The app utilizes the user defaults capability to store and retrieve user preferences, ensuring a personalized and seamless experience.

  • Responsive UI: The iCoinic Quiz App is designed to provide a responsive user interface, adapting to different screen sizes and orientations.

Overall, the iCoinic Quiz App offers a captivating and educational quiz experience. With its seamless integration of The Trivia API, advanced architecture, and modern UI, it is the perfect choice for users looking for an engaging and challenging quiz app.

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  • 📁 iCoinic Quiz App for Multiple Choice Quiz Challenge

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